影像的震撼力可超越時空、地域及文化的界限。為廣告選對圖像,在捕捉觀眾目光的同時傳達產品訊息,往往是廣告人最煩惱的問題。全球最大圖庫公司Getty Images每年透過大數據對視覺趨勢作出分析,早前釋出2017年的六大視覺趨勢:




516129178/Arnaud Chapin


678754329/Naila Ruechel


495287915/Phyllis Leibowitz


507013711/BROOK PIFER


507179487/Nick Dolding


631143087/Nick Dolding

在日趨視像化的世界,圖像早已成為推廣內容不可或缺的核心部分。stock by Getty Images一直竭力提供最優質的創作素材,現存近4千萬項由全球投稿人創作的圖像、插圖、影片及音樂素材,隨時隨地為不同的方案注入靈感。最近更針對中文客戶需求而打造中文網站,現已正式面世。除新增中文搜尋功能外,亦提供更龐大的本土影像圖庫、更全面的中文檢索詞彙,配合操作簡易、備受推祟的強大搜尋引擎,搜尋合適影像從此輕而易舉。

立即登入iStock by Getty Images中文網站www.istock.com/hk,發掘您心儀的影像內容。細心思考每張相片背後的含意,解放無限的想像空間,開拓別具創意、獨樹一幟的宣傳方案。

Discover the 6 Visual Trends for 2017 to create eye-catching ad campaign

The power of images transcends time and space, geographical and cultural barriers.  Finding the perfect imagery to catch attention and illustrate the theme of advertising has always been the most troublesome task for advertisers.  The world’s largest digital content company Getty Images has released the 6 visual trends for 2017 by analyzing big data every year.

1.The Virtuality trend inspires our wild imagination to become participants, not only seeing but experiencing.  Starting with a touching theme evokes the audience’s emotional response, inspire thinking and sharing, which lets the message go viral.

516129178/Arnaud Chapin

2.The Color Surge captures our eyes with unusual color combinations and saturated color.  Employing color strategically to echo with the context plays a huge role to stimulate responses.

678754329/Naila Ruechel

3.The Unfiltered trend expresses stories with strong appeal by bold and documentary-style images. Featuring real people or seldom explored topics with real emotions builds positive brand sentiment by moving people to reflect on life and adding true value of sharing with each other.

495287915/Phyllis Leibowitz

4.The Gritty Woman represents a new woman who is tough and tenacious to fight for her goals. Matching brand values with the impressive imagery strengthens the link between the brand and the audience, eventually developing brand affinity.

507013711/BROOK PIFER

5.The Global Neighborhood trend embraces our collective cultural identities related to what we believe rather than where we are.  Making use of meaningful images to meet the needs of the audience creates a higher chance for them to communicate their emotions, opinions or beliefs on social media.

507179487/Nick Dolding

6.The New Naivety appreciates visuals that are spontaneous and playful, at times uncomfortable but still making people laugh. Using these eye-catching images on social media can differentiate the brand and reach different segments of audience for driving more traffic.

631143087/Nick Dolding

In an increasingly visualized world, imagery has always been the indispensable part in promotional context.  iStock by Getty Images strives to provide images with the best quality as the inspiration for your creative projects and offers nearly 40 million assets of stock photos, illustrations, videos and audio tracks sourced from contributors around the world.  Recognizing the need of local customers, iStock by Getty Images has recently launched its website in Traditional Chinese.  With completely upgraded local imagery library and search vocabulary, as well as the support of powerful and effortless search engine, finding the right images has never been easier.

Start searching iStock by Getty Images in Traditional Chinese at www.istock.com/hk to explore your favorite images today.  Unveiling the stories behind the photos, you can unleash the power of images and optimize them for creating unparalleled campaign.