(2022-11-14)2023 ADFEST亞太廣告節,將於2023年3月23日至25日,在泰國芭達雅舉辦。


(2022-11-14)2023 ADFEST亞太廣告節,將於2023年3月23日(四)至25日(六),為期三天,在泰國芭達雅舉辦。本屆以「RISE」為題,集結最新的技術資訊、數位趨勢與內容,與大眾一同共襄盛舉及交流。

ADFEST主席Vinit Suraphongchai表示:「因為疫情影響,造成許多事項暫時停擺,很高興2023年能回到芭達雅皇家克里夫酒店集團的PEACH,與大家再次交流。本次ADFEST將提供行銷創意人,一個積極、溫暖、熱情的分享場域。」



It is time… to Rise.
The darker the night, the nearer the dawn,
Rise to the first ray of light that touches the lawn!
Rise to the emergence of ADFEST 2023 in Pattaya.
Rise from the costly pandemic to the call of this morn.

Recall the sunshine and sea-breezes that beckon,
Cleansing the cobwebs, lethargy and foul indolence.
Let the hunger for and bright light of creativity reign,
Where inspiration and learning are never in vain.

Rise to celebrate and gather at ADFEST,
A forum where old and new friends will gather yet,
Where ideas and knowledge thus cumulate,
So come join us on this auspicious date.